About this Site
This website is intended for the turfgrass and landscape industry of New York State. Users are able to select among different diagnostic traits to identify common weeds impacting managed landscapes. Control strategies are listed with regards to the NYS Child Safe Playing Fields Act. All users should observe this site’s disclaimer and follow all required federal, state, and local laws as well as industry best management practices when selecting and applying weed control methods.
See instructions about using this site including terminology used.
The Kao-Kniffin Lab at Cornell University
Research in the Kao-Kniffin Lab focuses on the below ground ecology and management of weedy and invasive plants. Invasive plants and weeds are prevalent in managed and natural landscapes, and have been shown to alter terrestrial ecosystem processes. We are examining the underlying microbial-based mediation of plant traits that impact ecosystem function.
- Funding for this website was provided by the New York State Integrated Pest Management (NYS IPM), by Federal Formula Funds though the Smith-Lever program, by the New York State Turfgrass Association (NYSTA), and by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Crop Protection and Pest Management Program, award number 2014-70006-22633.
- Members of the Kao-Kniffin Lab that have contributed to this website: Grant L. Thompson, Aleah L. Butler-Jones, Sarah M. Carver, Olivia McCandless, Danielle Park, and Jenny Kao-Kniffin.

Dr. Jenny Kao-Kniffin
Cornell University

Dr. Grant Thompson
Iowa State University

Aleah L. Butler-Jones
Cornell University
- Site design and development by elly @ Remarc Solutions, LLC